
EGO Cordless Backpack Leaf Blower Kit (5.0Ah + Rapid Charger)

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Regular price £499.00 inc. VAT
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High powered brushless motor for high air volume and speed, while the flexible bellows tube and comfortable harness system make the blower both manoverable and easy to use. Power is efficiently managed via the variable speed trigger and power setting switch. The LB6000E is compatible with all EGO batteries.

Specification for EGO Cordless Backpack Leaf Blower
Air volume:
* Low: 440m3/h
* High:850m3/h
* Boost: 1020m3/h

Max air speed:
* Low: 80 km/h (22m/s)
* High:160km/h (45m/s)
* Max: 192km/h (54m/s)

* Max propulsive force:19N
* Machine weight: 5.7Kg
* Motor type: Brushless
* Noise Rating: 83LpA/97LwA
* Vibration: 1.5m/s²

Run Time with 5.0Ah battery:
* 15min. @ 1020 m3/h w/5.0Ah battery -Boost model
* 22min. @ 850 m3/h w/5.0Ah battery -Max. air
* 120min. @ 440 m3/h w/5.0Ah battery - Min. air